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(No title)

I first heard about D’artmanifests from my close friend. I read their testimonials and followed them on Instagram for a while and then I felt I was ready to give it a try. Now I look back and think it was one of my best decisions.

Ahh…talking about my own painting, I would say the journey with the painting has been surreal, and hence, I fear that what I would put in words will never be enough to express what I have experienced.

When I discussed with D’artmanifests about my topic, I was myself confused about what exactly I wanted. Punitha and Hrushikesh were both very patient in their own unique ways, and they gave me space to help me in deciding and understanding what I really wanted to manifest. Nurturing marriage vows, intimacy & improving general happiness and peace in marriage is what I wanted to manifest and that’s exactly what happened after the painting came into my life. It did exactly what we commissioned it for.

The reality is that the painting has changed the way I feel about my relationship with my husband completely.
Before we got the painting we were together but like two parallel lines, looking at life separately with totally different expectations, totally different commitment levels, different outlook, and different view points.

And right now, we are the same individuals but so much better interlinked. Now, we are one unit against the world. We have grown so much closer. We understand each other like never before.

I wanted the interference of MIL and constant fight for power between us to end and I am happy to report my relationship with her very much improved to beyond my expectations and her health also has shown improvements.

Speaking about the aesthetics of the painting, I just love it. I can stare at the beautiful colors and flowers and each of the elements all day, and I still won’t be bored one bit. The colors and elements used somehow speak to my soul like they are truly made just for me.

All said and done I am thankful to the team of D’artmanifests for bringing this change in my life.

Mrs. Rupali Kulkarni
IT professional

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Thanks a ton to D’artmanifests and the customized painting they made for me.

We actually faced a very unique problem with which I had approached them. It was about my brother’s marriage. He was not ready to get married at all and that meant there was no question of seeking, searching, and matching alliances for him.

I dreaded to tell him the idea of getting a manifestation painting done for him and feared that he might reject it outright.
With all this on my mind and heart, I approached D’artmanifests. They understood the problem I was facing and agreed to make a manifestation painting for my brother.

The best part was that when all this was done, my brother actually had no idea about any of it at all.

We made the painting and placed it in the place, as was advised.

To our surprise, we began to see a change in the attitude of my brother towards this topic, and guess what, eventually, he agreed to get married and the cherry on the top was that we even found the perfect match for him and our family. 

Today, my brother is happily married and is enjoying a blissful married life.

I an so glad we chose to take this step and trust D’artmanifests for helping my family with this. God bless them always!

Priti Agrawal
IT professional

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I wholeheartedly want to thank D’artmanifests for being a big help to our family. I had actually not approached them for myself but for my cousin.

We were facing a problem in getting her marriage fixed. There were problems in matching alliances for her, and if at all there was any boy that was suitable, then we faced a lot of delays and problems in taking it forward, and ultimately, the alliance never happened.
I knew about D’artmanifests already and thought maybe I could try them for this problem. But I was not sure if I could gift a customized manifestation painting for somebody else and if it would help them at all. However, I was assured that we could do that and that relieved me.

I gifted the painting to my cousin and we all loved how esthetic and beautiful it was. D’artmanifests after the analysis had predicted that a suitable match would come in a year’s time, and the alliance would happen. And it actually did occur as was predicted. We found a suitable match for her, and the alliance got fixed within a year of receiving the painting. We felt blessed.
They got married last year, due to the pandemic restrictions but alls well that ends well and my cousin is happy in her marital life, and she feels blessed. I, on the other hand, feel so good to have trusted D’artmanifests and for choosing to gift their manifestation painting to her. I feel that I have changed her life and feel accomplished for making that change for her, of course, via D’artmanifests.

Dr Vikram Kamath

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So we decided to go for a second painting for our clinic place.

The decision was a conscious one – having seen the visible positive effects of the first one at home.

The discussions started with the team of Dartmanifests.

As expected, they listened patiently to our wishes and the reasons why we wanted a painting at our clinic in the 1st place

The process was started, and within a short span of time, we received not one but 2 paintings for our workplace, as was recommended by D’artmanifests.

We customized our workplace according to the instructions that they had suggested to us.

The experience since then has been phenomenal.

We could actually sense the positive changes the paintings have brought about. We saw some major changes like increased patient flow, more and more patients accepted the treatment that we ethically recommended for them.

We also started some world-class treatments using cutting-edge technologies which were on hold due to various unexplained reasons.

The best part is that we observed increased amount of positive energies at our workplace and amongst the staff and patients. We experienced all the desirable effects that we wanted to manifest coming to life pretty soon.

We are very grateful and really thankful for the immense support and love team of Dartmanifests has given us and all the help that they have provided us – in reaching the place where we are today.

We would definitely recommend D’artmanifests to everyone. We can truly manifest what we desire via their customized manifestation art!

Dr Saurabh Sharma

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Hi. I had approached D’artmanifests for my fathers health. He was suffering from alcohol and tobacco addiction and had other physical health issues and was bordering on depression. After understanding the concept on which the customized manifestation paintings work, I decided to get such an art made for my father. I do believe in the science of vastu shastra, astrology, etc but I did not have detailed knowledge about the same. The team of D’artmanifests got all my information from a detailed questionnaire and their experts analyzed it and after that everything was explained to me in detail in a way that I understood everything. My trust in the process and the analysis increased as I began to see positive results in my father even before I received the painting. A detailed analysis of my home and parents room was done, and based on it a few changes were suggested. This was pleasantly surprising for me as these things were done as value added services. Finally we received the painting and placed it in the advised place. I trusted the experts at D’artmanifests completely and after doing all the suggested changes, we got something that we had given up hope about. My fathers addiction problem was unbelievably solved completely. He no longer uses tobacco and his addiction with alcohol and dependence on it, has been reduced to occasional drinking. His mental health and relation with everyone has improved. His physical health has also improved. I am eternally thankful to Dr Punitha and her team of D’artmanifests for manifesting something in my life about which I had completely given up on. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. Looking forward to getting another manifestation painting done from you very soon.

Hardith A S

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I have purchased 4 paintings from D’artmanifests and I must say I am very happy with the effects of all of them. My experience with D’artmanifests first began with a smaller size painting and with time and with the desired improvement in my life happening, I decided to manifest more things for myself and chose to go for a larger one.

All my paintings have given me my expected results within a maximum of 2 months. The paintings are beautiful and are appreciated by everyone who sees them and I can actually feel the energy in them. I am very happy with the effects I have got from all my paintings and appreciate the concept and the detailed work done by D’artmanifests. It is worth a try. These paintings can truly change your time just like it did with mine.

Nelson D'Souza
Business man

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I am an architect and actually was a non believer in Vastu and the other concepts on which D’artmanifests works. But still the concept intrigued me and when I approached them, their team spoke to me and made me understand that being a non believer was not a hindrance for the painting to work. Hence I agreed to go for my customized painting for career growth and stability for my husband and myself and on my request they agreed to add a small element for improving our health too.

After doing an in depth analysis they told me that as I had certain temporary but strong limitations in my astrological chart, the painting would benefit me slightly lesser and later than it would benefit my husband. I was impressed that they frankly told me about this limitation and also told me some solutions for the same. My husband was facing a problem with maintaining a stable job and was not happy with his current job, which was the main reason I went for the painting. I however, had not told my husband about the painting which I was getting made. So I was in fact a little skeptical if it would affect him at all. But on the day my painting got delivered, my husband got a new job and he was very happy about it. I was so psyched about the timing of this that it was almost surreal. Even now my husband is satisfied with his new job. In fact from March 2020 after the lockdown had started, a lot of people in his company lost their jobs. My husband however maintained his job and in fact was content with his profile. As far as I am concerned, I am following the suggestions given by D’artmanifests for my health and very soon I would want to go for another painting focused specifically on my health. I also want to gift a painting for my relatives too which will benefit them too.

Anitha M

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Hello Everyone!!

We had our first customized painting made for manifesting abundance of health, wealth and peace.

And even before the delivery, team D’artmanifests had a detailed discussion about the complete Vastu of our house. They understood our problems and suggested many simple corrections for the same. They also suggested changes like removal of some things from certain walls and changing the wall colour too.

We religiously followed up with the changes that were suggested. After the painting was delivered to us, we put it up in its pre decided position. It was certainly a treat to our eyes with regards to its esthetic value!!

The very first effect that we noticed was the overall difference in peace at our home. We also observed a change in the overall atmosphere of our home and we felt much more peaceful than before. There were a lot of positive vibes that we felt in our living room where we had put up the painting. We also observed a marked improvement in the health of our mother. She needed to be hospitalized for her medical problems quite frequently before. By the grace of God, we never had to admit her anytime after we have got the painting made. Her overall vitals and stamina have also increased.

We are very grateful to the team of D’artmanifets for these effects that we have got. We only understand the value of good health when we don’t have it and invariably we would do anything to get it back. For us it was this painting which has awarded us that.

As far as wealth is concerned, which was one of the things that we wanted to manifest, the receipt of the painting was unfortunately followed by months of lockdown in our country due to the pandemic. However despite that, we could comfortably manage all our liabilities. The good thing was that we could tap in another source of income too during this period. We did follow it up and now it is a steady source of income for our family.

All in all, we definitely see a increase in the quality of life for us. We definitely recommend D’artmanifests to one and all. We plan on soon getting another painting made for ourselves for growth in our professional lives too.

Dr. Saurabh & Dr. Shruti K. Sharma
Orthodontist and oral surgeon couple

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I wanted something exquisite for the focal center part of my home and hence something unique and equally divine. I have known Dr Punitha for almost 10yrs now. She is extremely talented and a perfectionist in everything she does. I have seen her work throughout and so when I approached her through D’artmanifests to create something unique for my home, they flooded me with some brilliant ideas to suit my requirements. I loved the concept of Ardhanaarishvar as it primarily defines the completion and balance of energy amongst other things. They created this masterpiece which I was in complete awe of. It turned out so beautiful, much more than I ever expected. The detailing, the color combination was simply outstanding. Moreover the dedication behind the painting was incredible. They asked me everything where I want to place the painting and then made it according to Vastu. Unbelievable effort.
This was a true masterpiece.

Their packaging and delivery and after sales service was perfect too. Thanks a lot D’artmanifests and Punitha for helping me set up the most beautiful part of my home 🙂

Dr Neha Bhargava
Pediatric Dentist
Abu Dhabi

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As a dentist who was setting up my own practice in my new clinic, I wanted to attract quality patients and manifest success in my profession, for which I got my first customized manifestation painting done from D’artmanifests.

The entire process from setting up an enquiry, to finally receiving my painting on time was interesting, seamless and transparent. Also the painting was much more beautiful in actual then I had imagined. The painting came with specific instructions regarding the position of the painting and other helpful details.

I actually began to see the effects of the painting immediately. My clinic name board which was delayed and was not expected to be put up on the opening day was surprisingly delivered and put up just on the previous night of the opening! I experience a lot of positive vibes on entering my clinic. I was actually surprised to see that the painting was manifesting what I actually had expected from it. Considering my practice is only one month old still I am happy with the success that I have got in it so far. Many times I have also had to open up my clinic even on Sundays for managing the appointments.

What really impressed me was that the D’artmanifests team also took a follow up after a months time to know about my experience and I found that thoroughly professional. Not to mention that the beauty the original piece of art offers in my reception has been appreciated by many. I thank D’artmanifests and wish that they spread such positive vibes in the lives of many more people.


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When I saw a blue sea and sun rising dot painting by D’artmanifests, I felt like it spoke to me. The colours, the imagery was something which had me enchanted. I wanted to keep that piece with me. But alas my then financial situation meant I couldnt spare any money over the usual monthly budgets. Punitha was kind to ensure she booked the painting for me till I was ready to complete the payment. When the artwork eventually came to me, things started moving in unexpected directions. Its like the universe did a complete U turn and changed my circumstances. I received opportunities which I had never dreamed of but which were so necessary. I do believe the painting attracted it into my life. I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said, the sun rose in my life too, just like it did in the painting she made for me . I am forever grateful to D’artmanifests and Punitha. God bless her art.


(No title)

I am a big big fan of D’artmanifests. Been following them for a while. And each art form thats created by them is mind soothening and elating.

I have been lucky enough to own a couple of their paintings. One custom made, as per my requirement and other was a ready to shop one.

The art form is very very good and the talented artist creates great art. But what I like most is the theory and science thats included in the painting. The explanation behind the art is something that is really inspiring.

They do have an indepth knowledge about various topics like vastu, feng shui, vedas as well as puranas.

In awe of these paintings by D’artmanifests

Dr Vikram Kamath

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As one of your privileged earliest customers, I have been in love with each and every piece of your dot painting (I say it every time you post a new one), and I am amazed by each and every one of your dot paintings. You are truly a genius artist! Your paintings are serene, eye catching and beautiful pieces of art and its incredible to know the amount of energy, concentration, effort and patience it takes to create each one them. I would recommend everyone to try your customized pieces of art and especially to those who are looking to channel certain energies to create positive effects in their lives .. if you don't believe in positive energy, I would still recommend these paintings for they will be adorned in any place they are put up, certainly bringing accolades for having chosen the piece created and customized for you and your personal choices.

Radhika Bhat
Legal Professional

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I received this painting as a gift from my sister, who lives in India. I was informed that she had asked the artist to channel a wish to find my soulmate via this painting. I never knew something like was actually possible. Very intriguing and interesting. But even beyond that, as a painting it has everything I could desire for, like the Yin and Yang (my favourite piece of the painting), and other things that I like to look at e.g swans, lotus, water and nature (those are my favorites too and we as sisters truly share the love of these things in common).. I love the little details in it. Although it was a surprise gift for me and I didn’t have a say as to what wishes I would like to add, I have no complaints. Every time I look at the painting I just fall in love with it all over again.

Cambridge, UK

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“I happened to approach D’artmanifests with a very specific issue regarding my finances. They understood my requirement very well and I experienced that their communication right from discussing my requirement to getting the painting was seamless. I also witnessed my painting being created by the artist as they shared the photos while the painting was being created. And to my surprise and delight, the actual painting appeared even more beautiful and totally exceeded my expectations. The packing and transportation also were flawless. The best thing is that, after receiving the painting, in a very short time, payments that were due to me since over 5 years started to clear. I also have noticed a lot of positive changes in myself and an overall growth in my business as well. I strongly recommend D’artmanifests to all!”

Nelson D'souza

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“Pure bliss is what you feel when you get your imagination executed in the right way with just the perfect design. It didn't go wrong in my case when I wanted to get a painting designed on Buddha theme to be given as a gift. During the making itself, the design was planned in detail to include symbols that could manifest what I wanted in it, the concept was well explained and also each step of the work was shared with me till the end. When I saw the painting in actuality, it was unanimously applauded. Moreover when you hear from the person who received my gift that a famous artist also dropped extreme positive comments seeing it, it was just perfect icing on the cake. It was definitely a more than satisfactory experience to get the painting done by D’artmanifests. Thanks a ton to the entire team of D’artmanifests.”

Dr Dhanya Krishnan