+91 88068 07124 or +91 95352 67263

Cookie Policy

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Our website uses a small number of cookies to track usage and optimise visitor experience. A cookie is a small file that is placed on your computer via your web browser. Most browsers will automatically accept cookies – although you can modify your settings to reject some (or all) cookies.

Your use of the website indicates your acceptance of this policy. If you have any queries relating to this policy please email

Analytical cookies

These cookies are used to track website usage and are managed through Google Analytics. They allow us to track visitor journeys through the website and record certain information. This includes (but is not limited to) device type, browser type, approximate location and your connection speed.

Google Analytics cookies are persistent, meaning that they remain on your computer after you have left our website. You can delete these cookies through your browser settings. Google’s Privacy Policy is available here. For reference, these cookies have the following prefixes:

  • _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz

Where you view video through our website (for example on one of our blogs), Google may use additional cookies to track the videos you have viewed. If you are signed into Google at the time of viewing the video, Google may associate these video views with your Google account.

For reference, these cookies have the following prefixes (in addition to standard Google Analytics cookies):

  • SID, login_info, use_hotbox, pref, SSID, HSID, watched_video_id_list, demographics, visitor_info1_live